By London, age 10
As a Girl Scout, we serve our communities through take action projects that are a part of completing Junior Journeys. For example, we collected and donated new or gently used stuffed animals to donate to local first responders to complete our Agent of Change Journey. This journey was Harry Potter themed, and included donating socks for children in need.. Our stuffed animal drive counted towards our take action project for the journey and would be given to kids who come in contact with fire and policemen when they are responding to emergency calls. For the Outdoor Journey, we adopted an owl named Merlin, and also visited him at the Audubon Center in Orlando. During our visit, we learned a lot of facts about raptors. For example, did you know that raptors can pick up one-third of their body weight? While we were visiting the Audubon Center, we watched for birds to earn our citizen scientist badge and saw so many different kinds of owls. My favorite owl is the barn owl because it has a heart shaped face. Community service is fun, a great way to learn, give and help in the community. Here is one of my favorite photos from our Audubon trip. It is of two Eastern Screech Owls snuggling with each other.